For many students, studying abroad is their dream. To get into the university of their choosing, many students work hard for almost a year. Dreams typically contain obstacles.

Language barriers are one of the challenges faced by international students while studying abroad. For a lot of pupils, communicating with a native speaker of a foreign language has proven to be challenging. It is difficult for them to speak in their native dialect.

How can you overcome language hurdles while attending a foreign university?

  • Use plain language

Everyone should use plain language wherever possible, whether trying to explain a complex subject to non-technical coworkers, students trying to explain a complex subject to non-technical coworkers, students trying to explain a complex subject to non-technical coworkers, or students who are dealing with people who speak their primary language as a second language. Many people strive to look smart or skilled at their occupations by using complex jargon, but doing so is not in the best interests of anyone.

·         Make friends

By putting yourself out there, you can make local friends and acquaintances who can assist you in learning the language and culture of the nation. Additionally, once a student starts connecting with them, they are likely to provide them with the best guidance on how to speak successfully in their nation. The simplest way to get better at having ordinary conversations is to do this.

·         Don't be shy

When conversing with strangers in a foreign country, students could feel awkward or ashamed. They cannot begin speaking after five years of studying a foreign language. Students need to speak up with confidence and be courageous. After a few conversations, as they start to comprehend what the other person is saying, it will become second nature.

·         Use visual methods of communication

Using visual aids helps everyone stay on the same page and think more creatively about new concepts. The safest way to start the treatments is by far this.

Watching as many films or television shows as you can will surely help you become more fluent in the language. Movies are essentially debate-filled narratives. As a result, this method makes learning a new language simple.

·         Invest in a language dictionary

A large percentage of students have access to Internet translation tools, however, the bulk of these services are unreliable for longer texts and complete phrases. An embarrassing-free way to learn regional slang and linguistic quirks is to get a language dictionary.

·         Plan and be prepared

Students who study abroad may interact with locals through volunteer work or socialize with locals who speak the language they are studying. Students should consider who they will be with, their hobbies, and what they are curious about in advance. Make a few inquiries or comments based on this information in advance.

·         Language exchange programs

The popularity of language exchanges and meet-ups is growing in addition to traditional language programmes. You can find out if the host nation provides such services. These occasions typically give international and local students the chance to switch languages for a short while. For international students, this is a wonderful chance to meet and socialize with peers from other nations.

The phonetic alphabet, greetings, and common phrases are just a few of the fundamental subjects that are covered in the guides provided by many language exchange programmes. Naturally, students shouldn't worry about memorizing every detail because they will be reinforced once they arrive in the nation and begin attending lectures.

·         Group Discussions

If students are disengaged and have trouble getting through the language barrier on their own, they can find others who share their interests and collaborate to overcome challenges. They greatly benefit from group lessons for their development. Being an engaged and attentive listener is, after all, a crucial skill to develop in group sessions.


How to Improve Language Skills as an International Student?

1. Joining a language exchange program: Many universities have language exchange programs where international students can practice speaking with native speakers of the language they are trying to learn. You can talk about your experience with these programs and how they have helped you improve your language skills.

2. Practicing with native speakers: You can also talk about how practicing with native speakers outside of the classroom has helped you improve your language skills. This could be through joining a local club or organization or simply striking up a conversation with someone in your community.

3. Using language learning apps: There are many language learning apps available that can help you improve your language skills. You can talk about which apps you have found most helpful and how you use them.

4. Watching TV shows and movies in the language you're learning: Watching TV shows and movies in the language you're learning can help you improve your listening skills and vocabulary. You can talk about which shows and movies you have found most helpful.

5. Reading books and articles in the language you're learning: Reading books and articles in the language you're learning can help you improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary. You can talk about which books and articles you have found most helpful.

6. Immersing yourself in the language: Immersing yourself in the language you're learning can help you improve your language skills quickly. You can talk about how you have immersed yourself in the language, whether it's through watching TV shows, reading books, or simply speaking with native speakers.


The time it takes to become fluent in a language can range from months to years. Students only need to be persistent and patient to complete the procedure. It would be ideal if students could spend some time studying the language before the trip. The best approaches to overcome language hurdles include improving your language abilities, incorporating cultural context into your learning, finding alternative forms of expression, using basic terms, and not being afraid to make mistakes. You can efficiently erase and get over language obstacles by using several tactics.

Know more About us: Sharda University

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