W ith over 5 million students engaged in higher education around the world, this sector of education has been steadily growing, increasing from roughly 3.9 million in 2011. Some of the top international education destinations are the USA, UK, Australia and Canada which as a group, account for nearly 40% of all international students. India, Singapore and Malaysia together account for about 12% of the total international student enrollments around the world. India has ambitious plans to increase the number of international students it receives from about 50,000 to 200,00 by the year 2023. 

What Is International Education?

International education is an education that one receives outside the country of birth. It is often pursued by those who seek a higher quality of tertiary education or those whose country of origin does not have adequate university-level institutions to attend. 

Additionally, certain technical and research fields are often rare enough that only a few institutions around the world can offer programs related to them. In this case, a student would have to leave their own country to attempt an international education out of necessity. Many countries offer some form of scholarships and subsidised learning to international students who are unable to afford tuition and fees due to financial constraints. The benefit of having international students is threefold: it brings diversity into classrooms which lead to a more holistic and varied learning environment, it contributes to the educational economy and it helps international students grow in their outlook.

Why is International Education Important for Students?

  • Financial Benefit: Students who have good academic, athletic or extra-curricular performance can often apply and be awarded scholarships for courses and programs that they wish to complete through international education. In many cases, a well-performing student who might not be able to cover the costs of their higher education within their own country can receive a full scholarship in institutions outside their nation. Some institutes also offer grants to those in vulnerable sections of society, in these cases, the awards are regardless of academic or other performance.

  • Cultural Benefit: Meeting new people and living in a new country for a large chunk of your life gives you a worldlier outlook on life, education and interpersonal relationships. Students pursuing international education can experience new traditions, cultures, languages and daily life that is vastly different from back home. 

  • Opportunities: Many developing countries do not have a robust or varied higher education system, as generally, they are more focused on increasing enrollment for basic education. This often leads to massive gaps in the availability of advanced degrees and specialized fields of education. In this context, international education offers students the opportunity to go through degrees and programs that they never would have had access to in their own country. Furthermore, working opportunities are greatly increased after securing an international education as most universities provide some form of post-education placement or networking help. 

Is International Education for You?

If you have a dream or goal to complete your education in some field that is currently not being offered by colleges in your country, studying internationally might be what you’re looking for. If you want to have a new experience and see what life and education outside your home country are, then consider the exciting option of international education.  

International Education at Sharda University

In India, Sharda University is a tertiary-level institution, offering a variety of programs across many fields. Situated in Noida and quite close to the nation’s capital of Delhi, Sharda University boasts of on-campus accommodation and world-class learning facilities. For those seeking financial aid, Sharda University also provides scholarships to international students on the basis of academic merit to enable them to gain access to high quality international education.

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